Hello. I'm Nicholas Anthony Linke.
I'm an author, designer, director, podcaster, researcher, educator, husband, and father.
My projects, collectively called Glassroom Hive, began with a children's books, Dharma & Eldon, written with my wife Kristina Linke and a YouTube Channel featuring our three children, loving called Stink Finks.
Anticipating the challenges they will face beyond childhood, I wanted to merge entertainment with education. This ambition influenced the fictional universe modernizing Greek mythology, The Moirae, and the real world essays (Tangents), videos (Hourglass Science), and podcast (The Delta), about how education, science, and activism shape our lives.
I believe that
empowering the youth with the ambition
to change the world they are inheriting,
as well as equipping them with
academic and social tools
to accomplish those changes,
is the true purpose of education.
A small collection of art, illustrations, and graphic designs collected over the years. Many are collaborations with my children to create something together from our own happy accidents.
After teaching science in the rural heartland of our country for 11 years, I left the classroom. The students immediately asked, "Why?" all these projects and in particular Hollow Heartland attempted to answer this question, at the classroom and existential level, both for them and myself.
The difficult decision to leave was in part the pandemic but mostly the completion of writing Malignant: a novel. The book concluded with a very Hollow sense of myself which persisted as the title of my journals. Soon, lifelong friends from The Heartland Collective reconnected with me first as a guest and then as the host of my own show The Delta podcast. Gradually, the pessimism of each section grew to include a suggested resolution to the personal concerns I had about science, education, parenting, and the planet. This appended Heartland to the existing title to create: Hollow Heartland.
From there Glassroom Hive grew to house all the projects that made up my identity. From here I aspire to share my story and the fictional universe I grew in mind on the drives into the heartland. A strange sense of wholeness accompanies the transparency of these projects.
- Nicholas Anthony Linke